Plump up that Epidermal Layer For your “Special” Glow

The weather is changing and with it so does our skin regime. With cool weather comes dry chapped lips, hands and sometimes cheeks. But don’t be too quick to accept the fate of your dry skin; there are things we can be doing to ensure our skin gets all the TLC it needs and deserves. The most important thing is hydration. Make sure you’re drinking lots of liquids – and not the caffeinated and alcoholic drink if your goal is beautiful sin.

  1. 66933291 – dry skin hydration infographic with skin diagram; skincare and beauty concept

    Rummage around in your old junk and dig out the humidifier that you know you have. Blow the dust off the top of that little miracle machine because if you commit to keeping it running while you are in your house you’ll be pleasantly surprised by the huge difference something so small can make in terms of bringing your skin to life and helping alleviate those surface lines and wrinkles. Buy one with a timer to make life even easier.

  2. Just because it’s fall doesn’t mean that the sun won’t burn your skin. Remember your sunscreen. I recommend SPF 70 during the summer months but you can get away with something as low as 30 throughout the cooler cloudy seasons. Sunscreen is helpful in preventing skin pigmentation problems, which 75% of women over their 40s have. It is also helpful in the preventing fine lines and wrinkles as well as more serious problems such as melanoma.
  3. Always, Always always use a good moisturizer. If you’ve already found one your passionate about and believe in then you are already one step ahead of the game. I am a product whore…My closest friends who know me know this about me. I’ve tried them all. I like most of them but also have my absolute favorites. I would recommend bio-elements for your face. It’s super moisturizing and absorbs evenly.

I used to think my face was oily until I got a facial and she told me my skin was dry and trying to overcompensate. Ever since then I started using extra hydrating products on my face and my skin has thanked me immensely. My blemishes have cleared up almost completely.
Eucerin for eczema works wonders for everywhere else. I’ve tried other brands for eczema and they feel good at first but they peel off my skin in little balls after I think it’s all soaked in. Ew, that’s not fun! It’s messy and can be embarrassing.
For that extra kick, Aveda makes a hydrating mask with aloe and I’ll sleep with that on. My skin feels as soft as a baby’s bum by morning.

Stay Tuned for more skin and hair beauty tips

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I Want to Re-intorduce Myself

As many of my friends and family know, I now live in the woods in Coeur d’Alene Idaho and it is BeAuTiFuL up here. However, the culture is ever changing. During the summer we have many visitors who come here from bigger cities to get away. There are so many different types of people and I never know what to expect when I leave the house. Just the other day I saw a woman with a diamond the size of a medium grape, long, thick, blond hair (probably very high end-extension – maybe  and the longest eyelash extensions. It was clear she belonged in California or New York. Maybe even Atlanta. You will see many more of the very athletic type who ride their bikes up and down Highway 95 or the people looking to get out on the boats, relax on the beach and have dinner and drinks with friends and family. The energy here can be amazing and the people-watching can be even more liberating. Many people who visit enjoy staying at the resort right in town. (Follow this link to check it out.  Renting a house on the lake is another way to go.
During the colder months it’s mostly the locals. As a local myself, I can tell you that we feel lucky to be able to live in such a beautiful place all year round. The opportunities for beautiful scenery pictures is never ending. Believe me, I can be that annoying friend on Facebook or Instagram that is alway posting pictures of the lake or the sunset, etc.
Things are always busy with tons of fun activities with family and friends during the summer months and they are so calm during the winter. People sort of hibernate and it can seem odd during this time if people are putting a lot of effort into their beauty maintenance. Because of this, we all try to put on this appearance of an effortless beauty regiment and it seems to trickle into the months that we know we should feel free to give ourselves more personal time.
With this blog, going forward, I hope to be able to give you tips that will make your regiment more effortless, but also bring results, fun tips and tricks and maybe some reality checks on things you shouldn’t be skipping.

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Our Salon

Our comfy chairs and stations up close

Our waiting area

All put together the weekend before we opened

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Color Bug

Color Bug for a day worth of fun hair

Fun colors for hair dipping!

Kevin Murphy Color Bug

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Moroccan Oil

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Putting it together from scratch…

Unpacking our stations

Girls at Work!

The view

We are in the beginning stages here.

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It Feels Like Christmas in Here

We are making our salon feel more and more like home. We have been waiting to putup our beautiful chandeliers and finally did on the same day we also got a new painting and brand new Mac Computer!!

Our new Mac Computer is so sleek and easy to use.  We replaced an old computer that was freezing multiple times per day and keeping me very busy. Ahhhh

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Angela Rocks Boise

Hello Boise, Thank you for visiting my site.  If you are looking for a new hair stylist you just found the best in town.   You will love the way you will look after I bring out the hair style you have always deserved.  Call or e-mail me today.

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